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- 1.2.1. Create in SQL
- 1.2.2. Read in SQL
- 1.2.3. Update & 1.2.4. Delete in SQL
- 1.3. Joins in SQL
- 1) 3 to 6 working core features.
- 1) Be very familiar with OOP theory and practice.
- 1) Project Review
- 12.1. Gradle
- 12.2. Debugging in IntelliJ
- 13.1.1. Templates are Frameworks - Thymeleaf
- 13.2. Creating a Template
- 13.3 Passing Data to a ThymeLeaf Template
- 13.4. Iterating in a Thymeleaf Template
- 13.5. Conditionals in a Thymeleaf Template
- 13.6. Thymeleaf Forms
- 13.7. Thymeleaf Template Fragments
- 15.2. Validation Annotations - Java
- 1672. Richest Customer Wealth
- 1697536936401.jpg
- 17.4.1. Zero Division: Throw
- 17.4.2. Test Student Labs
- 18.5 - Ship Library (Class Exercises 1) - JavaScript
- 2.1. Table Relationships
- Adding a Primary Key in MySQL
- Adding a Foreign Key
- 2) Be very familiar with general terminology and key words, including access modifiers and methods.
- 2) Have your project up and running/served so you know it works and can immediately move into a demo, when asked.
- 2) Technical Concepts
- 2023-04-12: It's a brand new day
- 2023-04-12: Learning's what it's all about
- 2023-04-12: We can't do that here
- 2023-04-16: Helping others helps me
- 2023-04-17: Inventory Management System & the minutes of our lives
- 2023-04-26: Pretty Doesn't Return Value
- 2023-04-27: The Postman always Bings twice
- 2023-04-28: Coding Pool Party
- 2023-04-30: Scrum questions
- 25th January 2023
- 3.8. Studio: Counting Characters (Read file, user input, String)
- 3) Be very familiar with your project and able to answer questions about it
- 3) Behavioral Interviewing
- 4. Classes in Java, Part 1
- 4.2.1. Access Modifiers
- 4.3. Encapsulation
- 4.4. Constructors
- 4.5. Methods
- 4.6. Single Responsibility Principle (Classes should be small)
- 4.8. Studio: Restaurant Menu
- 4) You are being interviewed to see if you can solve real world problems.
- 5. Classes and Objects, Part 2
- 5.1.2. Static Fields
- 5.1.3. Constants
- 5.2. Instance and Static Methods
- 5.3. Special Methods - toString
- 5.3.2. equals
- 6.1. Testing in Java
- 6.2. JUnit
- 7. Inheritance
- 7.3. A Tale of Two Cats
- 7.4. Inheriting from Abstraction
- 7.5. Casting
- 7.7. Class Diagrams
- 8.1.1. Polymorphism
- 8.2. Interfaces
- 8.3. Interfaces and Abstract Classes
- 8.4. Interfaces In The Wild
- 8.5. Unit Testing and Interfaces
- 9.2.2. Initialize a Spring Boot Project - Text
- A Good
- Accumulator Pattern - JavaScript
- activeIsGreen - Change CSS based on content of HTML element
- Activity: Design your wireframes!
- Activity: Plan your MVP and check in with your mentor!
- add
- Add Binary
- Add Two Numbers -- Wrong answer
- addDigits
- Advice on getting that first tech job from Danny Thompson
- Agile
- Agile Principles
- AI prompts
- Alternate Avenues to Success
- Amplify
- Amplify Commands
- amplify console
- Angular
- Angular - Turning buttons on and off
- Angular components
- Angular components 2
- Angular Notes
- Angular Part 2
- Angular vs React
- Anonymous Functions - JavaScript
- API Query Parameters
- to set up for auto creation of schema & tables & .env
- Arabic Numbers to Roman Numbers & Execution Time
- Array & ArrayGradebook
- ArrayList & ArrayListGradebook - Java terminal
- Ass4
- Assigning Class Methods - JavaScript
- AWS Add Authentication to Amplify
- Bard
- Bartender App
- Bash
- Basic Terminal Commands
- Best time to Buy Sell Stocks - with solution
- Big O Notation
- Binary Search (High-Low search)
- BitBurner
- BitBurner basics
- BitBurner commands
- BizOp Mastercard
- Booleans and Objects - JavaScript
- Brain Dump 04-21-2023 - 14:10
- BrainDump - 2023-04-26
- Bubble Sort - JavaScript
- Build an online survey for VRazeTheBar
- Carmalized Onion & Brown Butter Linguine
- Chair Yoga Advanced
- Chair Yoga Basic
- Class 2
- Class 4 Coding Challenge - Return Longest Word
- Class 4 Exercises: Repeating With Loops
- Class 4 Reading and Concept Checks: Loops
- Class 4 Studio: Repeating With Loops
- Class constructor default values - JavaScript
- Class diagrams - Mermaid
- Class extends inheritance
- Class1 Coding Challenge: Area of a triangle
- Class2 Coding Challenge: Find Min & Max Value in Array
- Classes - JavaScript
- Classes Parent, Child, Grandchild / Beverage, Juice, Soda, Diet Soda
- CodeSample
- Coding is an art
- Combining Math Methods - JavaScript
- command.spec.js
- commands.js
- Compare Ages - Class 7 Challenge
- concat Examples - JavaScript
- Configuration: Environment Variables - IntelliJ
- Containerize your application
- Continuing Education
- CORS Proxy Servers
- Count Instances of a Character in a String - JavaScript
- Create a new React app
- CSS Examples
- CSS: Input animation
- Daily standup
- Dashboard
- Debugging Like Competitive Programmers
- Defining a function that creates HTML lists - JavaScript
- DetailsWidget
- Diagraming insanity in Mermaid
- Docker
- Docker Composer: Multi-container applications
- DOM Methods and Properties
- Donuts & For Loops
- Donuts & For Loops 2
- early-hack-template.script
- Ember Presentation
- Encryption
- End of Week 1
- End of Week 3
- Environment Files (.env) in Node.js
- Event Listeners
- Event Log Week 2
- Event Types
- Events
- Exception - JavaScript
- Exceptions as Control Flow - JavaScript
- Exceptions Throw - JavaScript
- Exercises
- Exercises - JavaScript
- Expense Tracker React
- Explain public static void main(String args[]) in Java
- Exploring the Key API Architectural Styles of 2023
- Fast simple ask question - JavaScript
- Fetch - JavaScript
- Fetch response.ok - Javascript
- Fields, Encapsulation, Setters, Getters, & Properties
- Filesystem and Paths - JavaScript
- Find the duplicate number (in array)
- fizz_buzz.js
- Flashcard 0001
- Flashcard 0002
- Flashcards
- FluffNotes
- Food
- for Loop - JavaScript
- Format Dates in Java
- Format doubles and floats in Java
- Full Stack Developer concept
- Fun with quizzes
- GasBuddy for liquor
- General
- Generic Input Validator - JavaScript
- Get 1st letter of each item in array - JavaScript
- Get and create png file
- Getting Started with DevOps on AWS v01.04.00
- Gherkin format user stories
- Git
- Git Branches & Stashes
- Git Branching Strategies Explained
- Git Cheat Sheet
- Git Remote Repositories
- Git Repositories and Commits
- Gradle
- Hanlon's Razor expanded
- HashMap & HashMapGradebook
- Have fun with
- High priority todos
- Hints
- HomeController
- How did you come to this interview and why is this role and company the right fit for you?
- How did you get into coding?
- How do I edit a template in IntelliJ?
- How Good Software Gets Made
- How much for pizza
- How the Internet Works
- How To Build an Autocomplete Component in React
- How to force kill port 8080
- HTML 5 boilerplate
- HTML Tags to know
- HTTP Methods
- Idea and Todo List
- Identifying the Base Case - JavaScript
- Implement secure session handling with React.js and Spring Boot
- Importing & Exporting Modules - JavaScript
- includes Examples - JavaScript
- indexOf Examples - JavaScript
- Inheritance - JavaScript
- Input JavaScript
- Intro Video
- InventorMe
- InventorMe Overview
- isPalindrome
- IT Jobs
- ItemController
- ItemService
- ItemsList
- ItemsList.test
- ItemsListComponent
- Java
- Java 101
- Java Data Types
- Java Naming Conventions
- JavaScript
- Javascript Bubble Sort
- JavaScript copy to clipboard
- Javascript Heap Sort
- Javascript Insertion Sort
- Javascript Merge Sort
- Javascript Quick Sort Algorithm
- Javascript Selection Sort
- JavaScript Shorthand
- JavaScript: 20 Array methods cheatsheet
- JavaScript: Blocking
- JavaScript: How to filter a list
- JavaScript: The Call Stack
- jMs05vJR1cUQgu-C_CYv4rrnC2UUazpsm.png
- Job
- JobSkillDTO
- join Examples - JavaScript
- Journal
- KISS Principal
- Landings
- launch.json
- LaunchCode
- LaunchCode Contacts
- Law of Demeter
- Lazy Load Images using HTML & JavaScript
- Learn about APIs
- Learn about AWS
- Learn about Docker
- Learn about Figma
- Learn about Firebase
- Learn about Flutter
- Learn about MERN
- Learn Python
- LeetCode
- Licensing
- Life as a Noob Dev Op
- liftoff-coding-challenge
- Link to the Projectify website
- LinkedIn connection note for LC101 folks
- List of conference talks
- Login.png
- Logout
- Longest Common Prefix
- Majority Element (plus hash map, and Moore's algorithm)
- Markup
- Math loops
- MathLoops.webp
- Meal idea
- Mermaid Examples
- Mermaid Journey
- message,spec.js
- messages.js
- MileageTracker
- Minute Template
- MinuteNotes
- misc.xml
- Missing Number (in array)
- Mission Vision & Values Example
- Mock interview 1
- More Data Types - Java
- More DOM Methods and Properties
- More Event Listeners - Event Bubbling
- More Mermaid Examples
- Muditā
- Multi directional arrows
- MySQL Commands
- Navigation.test.js
- New Java Program in IntelliJ
- New PC Install
- NewJobTips
- Notes from 2003-07-09
- Notes on ViewTemplate
- NotesOnTWSystem
- Object Literal - JavaScript
- Online Profiles
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- Palindrome Number
- Pandas
- Pandas Cleaning Data
- Pandas Cleaning Data of Wrong Format
- Pandas Finding Relationships
- Pandas Plotting
- Pandas Putting Files in a DataFrame
- Pandas Read JSON
- Pandas Removing Duplicates
- Pandas Replacing Values
- Pandas Returning Basic Data
- Persist your data between containers
- Plus One
- pop Examples - JavaScript
- POSIX character classes for matching ASCII text
- Potential projects
- Prep for Candidate Pool interview
- Primbo Overview
- Primitive Data Types - JavaScript
- Project ideas
- Project Ideas
- Project Outline
- Project Planning
- Project Planning assignment
- Project Setup
- push Examples - JavaScript
- Python
- Python API request for cat breed info, and then just name of breed
- Python APIs
- Python Virtual Environment Setup
- Python: Boolean values
- Python: Exit
- Python: Flask
- Python: Lists
- Python: Lists 2
- Python: Math Operators from Highest to Lowest Precedence
- Python: Nested for loops
- Python: Set up Python & Flask in VS Code
- Python: Simple Caesar Cipher encryption
- Python: String Replication
- Python: Valid and Invalid Variable Names
- Q&A
- QuickSort
- Quiz diagram
- Random gathered info
- Random Man
- React
- React Data Fetching Cheatsheet (2021)
- React flash card info
- React form button
- React Login with token
- React NPM codes
- React Popup Modals
- React sorting table data
- React TypeScript boilerplate snippets
- React, Java, Springboot, MySQL tutorial
- React: Render State in the User Interface
- React: Use State to Toggle an Element
- Read this
- Red Green Refactor
- Registration.js
- Registration.png
- Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
- Remove Element
- Requests HTTP
- Resource
- Resume
- Reverse a string - JavaScript
- reverse Example - JavaScript
- Roman Numbers to Arabic Numbers
- Root Equals Sum of Children
- rover.js
- rover.spec.js
- Run Docker Hub images
- Running containers on Docker Descktop?
- S.O.L.I.D. Principle
- Sample Road Map
- SampleAlarms
- SampleCountdown
- SampleSequence
- SampleTimers
- Scope - JavaScript
- Search
- Search Insert Position
- Search.png
- Security stuff
- setTimeout - JavaScript
- Sherlock Simplified
- shift Example - JavaScript
- Short-circuit - find a specific value - JavaScript
- simple graph Mermaid
- Simple Python API request
- Simple React Snippets
- Skill
- SkillController
- Sort Colors without sort(), and in the original array
- sortByProperty - JavaScript & JSON
- splice - JavaScript
- SQL code
- Stashed
- Student diagram
- Summing an Array
- Table Of Contents
- Teach others
- Teaching
- Tell, Don't Ask Principle
- Temperature Conversion
- Terminating a Loop With break - JavaScript
- Test Reporting - JavaScript
- The Agile Manifesto
- The Array Method map - JavaScript
- The DOM
- The Math Object - JavaScript
- The Test/Code Cycle - JavaScript
- Thymeleaf
- ThymeleafTemplate
- TiddlyMap!!
- TiddlyTools/Time/action-timeout.js
- TiddlyTools/Time/Alarms
- TiddlyTools/Time/AutoSaver
- TiddlyTools/Time/Calendar
- TiddlyTools/Time/Clocks
- TiddlyTools/Time/CountDown
- TiddlyTools/Time/EditDate
- TiddlyTools/Time/Events
- TiddlyTools/Time/Info
- TiddlyTools/Time/JournalListChanges
- TiddlyTools/Time/ParseDate
- TiddlyTools/Time/Places
- TiddlyTools/Time/Places/Summer
- TiddlyTools/Time/Setup
- TiddlyTools/Time/SidebarCalendar
- TiddlyTools/Time/SidebarClocks
- TiddlyTools/Time/Tabs
- TiddlyTools/Time/Tabs/Template
- TiddlyTools/Time/Ticker
- TiddlyTools/Time/Timers
- TiddlyTools/Time/ToolbarCalendar
- TiddlyTools/Time/WorldClocks
- TiddlyWiki Safe Mode
- Timers
- Tips for success
- To build your resume, follow the steps outlined in the Online Profiles module (
- ToDo
- Tree Diagram Maker
- Trello Kaban
- Turn if-else into a ternary operator
- Two Sum
- Unit Testing in Action - JavaScript
- unshift Example - JavaScript
- Use Java to make a schema
- Useful APIs
- User Stories
- Using Lombok in a Spring Boot project with IntelliJ
- Using Scope
- Valid Parentheses
- Watch & read later
- Web Design Tutorial: Getting Started with Wireframes
- What is a Minimum Viable Product?
- What the heck is the event loop anyway?
- When git wants to upload 57 things I do not want it to upload
- Where can you take this role?
- while Loops
- Why did you get into coding and what do you love about it?
- Will Morris version of Scrabble Scorer (Assignment 2)
- WIP - 2023-04-17
- WIP: 9 Rounds
- Wireframe vs Prototype
- Wireframing
- Wireframing for UX
- Working with Objects - JavaScript
- YAGNI Principle
- Zombie